This afternoon has been so lovely. I have been working on the pond (again). I started by putting a pipe from the tank to the pond - I have often thought about it, but no time. I buried the pipe, and it all works. Terrific.
I Also re-arranged the pond so that the water re-circulates. The water comes into the jar, and then runs into the pond where it is taken up into the jar again. I had all the bits but no time, but the universe solved this for me. Home-stay. My time is my own.
Then I planted more edible plants in the pond - chocolate mint, watercress, mugwort, I have to get lebanese mint and various edible succulents for around the edge. I also have water chestnuts in the tiny pond that have overrun their container. I will re-pot and put these in this pond. It has to earn its keep. No lazy water here. My fish are loving the tank water too.
Also the ravens are protecting the pond and plants around the pond - the berries. They don't fish, but even the magpies will. I have seen my raven keep other birds away from the pond, and that is probably why I have raspberries growing and producing berries NOW. They protect them from other thieving birds.
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