This is usually how my MICROWAVE CAKES look, and that is why I am a raving fan. Plus they only take 6 minutes to bake. So if you are a speedy "whipper-upper" and I am, you can make a cake when you see a car pull into the drive, and by the time your guest is settled there is a fresh baked cake ready for morning or afternoon tea!

Ingredients and method:
*If you are a "bake-off person" or like entering your bakes in the Shows, then close your eyes for this one. It is for the busy mum. First grease or oil the microwave pan (with a centre as photo) and sprinkle liberally with coconut, or nuts or seeds. Whatever you want. It stops the cake from sticking, and gives a great finish as you can see.
*I packet of Coles 75cent cake mix - chocolate, or vanilla or butter. For each of them follow the recipe on the packet. I use oils (olive, hemp and anything else that needs using up) instead of butter and add a bit extra. If the mix is runny I add coconut flour - only a little because it quickly stiffens up a dough.
FOR THE CHOCOLATE CAKE MIX: Extra cocoa, or grated chocolate or chocolate buttons with some chocolate curls to decorate at the end.
FOR THE VANILLA CAKE MIX: Add the juice of half a lemon, and if you can get it - some citrus peels (also from Coles). You could also add ginger in flaked, powder or crystallised form. Don't add too much.
FOR THE BUTTER CAKE MIX: The one above. I added coconut, almond essence, citrus peels from the citrus vodka I am fermenting, I also added about 12 chopped dates, hemp seeds, some hemp oil, a dessert spoon of chia seeds, a dessertspoon Teff, and the whey from the cheese I was making at the time instead of milk.
You want a fairly stiff dough. Pop it in the pan, and then sprinkle the same coating on the cake as you did on the pan, it stops the cake sticking to the rack when you turn it out. Cook in the microwave for 6 minutes (don't expect a dry top, but it should come to the top of the pan). Leave for about 7 to 10 minutes then turn out on the rack.
Which ever cake I make, I leave it cool, then slice and bake again until crisp. I am a fan of biscotti. But you can leave out this final step, and serve the cake with yoghurt or cream. You could even ice it.
When I first started making these cakes many years ago, I expected the top to look golden and crusty. It won't. I left it in for about 15 minutes - until there was a distinct burning smell. It still looked good on the outside, but the inside looked like a briquette. My daughter asked why we bought briquettes when I was so good at making them!
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