I have been foraging, and as a part of this I have been collecting seeds and flowers for herbal remedies.  My "spare" time is spent studies Advanced Bach Herbal Therapies, and so these two activities have gone well together.  harmonious.

The next phase is where to plant and manage the seed I have collected, seeds that people have given me, and seeds from The Seed Collection.  Like any kind of filing, you think you will remember what you put where - but you don't.  With these tyres labelling will be simple.

The easiest way to start this project was to go to our local tyre shop and collect some tyres, start layering them up, and get ready for planting when the mulch settles down.  Potatoes love this style of gardening I am told - but herbs? We shall see. They are in a protected part of the garden, and I am hoping for good things.  I have only just started them and already the bugs are moving in.  I have been very gratified by the size of the worms in the rest of the garden by the way, so I know the way I am doing things is working.  

The other day I was watching a permaculture program from the USA.  They have decided to do away with compost heaps on their very large campus, and go back to digging trenches, doing staggered plantings, and in this way follow nature... really good success is happening in Melbourne suburban gardens in this regard.  We will see.  I will have so many oak leaves shortly, and this will give me something immediate to do with them.  I will let you know..


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